Please rank the below by importance.

(Drag and drop to sort.)

  Security Updates, Anti-Virus Software, Email and Web Filtering, Phishing Campaigns, Multi-Factor Authentication
  Cost Reduction Servers, Storage, Cloud Migration, Consolidation, Software and Hardware
  Backups On-site and Cloud Backup, Disaster Recovery Plan, Routine data recovery
  Employee Productivity Program Usage, Browsing, Monitoring
  Software Review, Increase Productivity, Employee Collaboration
  User Training Software training, Tips and Tricks, Quarterly review of frustrations and support tickets
  Website Search Engine Optimization, Maintenance, Content, Activity Reporting
  Marketing Social Presence, Newsletters, Email Campaigns, Landing Pages, Appointments and Scheduling
  Perimeter Security Access Control, Cameras
  End-User Support Expertise, Resolution and Response Time, Workflow and Escalation
Result here.